PIC microcontrollers
- Wonderful gadgets!
- Fast: 200nS instruction time
- Simple: small instruction set
- Diverse: pick the PIC you need, avoid waste
- Low power, easy to drive from a battery
- Very little support hardware needed
- Inexpensive, readily available
- Good current drive (20mA)
- DIP package
PIC 16C63
Relevant features:
- Interrupts (method of dealing with asynchronous events)
- TMR0: 8-bit timer, scalable, with overflow flag
- Two capture/compare modules, configured as "capture". When pin
goes high (or low; selectable):
- Value of 16-bit TMR1 is captured and stored
- Bit is set
- (optional) Interrupt is generated
My selections:
- 4MHz clock (1uS instruction time)
- TMR0 scaled 64:1 (increments every 64uS, overflows every 16mS), no interrupts
- TMR1 scaled ???, (increments every ???, overflows every ???), no interrupts
- Capture registers:
- Cause interrupt
- On low-to-high transition
- Two registers, two joystick axes
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